Preventing Fleas and Heart-worms From Effecting Pets

Heartworms and fleas are parasites that can result in critical problems in pets. The good news is that it is now possible to prevent these parasites by utilizing safe, effective and easy-to-administer treatments. It is a well-known fact that heartworm disease can damage the lungs, heart, and other related blood vessels. This disease is spread through an infected mosquito bite. In dogs, heartworm disease is treatable, but it is very painful and expensive. While there are no authorized products for heartworm treatments in cats. Fleas are bloodsucking parasites that transmit tapeworms can result in flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). Hence, it is advised to prevent heartworms and fleas in pets.

Some facts about Heartworms

Heartworm disease affects dogs, cats and a maximum of thirty other mammal species.
This disease spreads through parasitic worms residing in the major lung vessels and at times in the hearts.
This disease can cause wide array of problems affecting the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys of the pets. In some extreme cases, it can even lead to death.
In cats, heartworms can result in respiratory disorder that imitates feline asthma. But there is no approved treatment of heartworms in cats.
Heartworm disease is 100% preventable but still there are many pets who are diagnosed with this disease every year.
There are more than 25% heartworm infected cats that live indoors.

Prevention of Heartworm disease

It is recommended to give Sentinel Spectrum as a heartworm preventive treatment for dogs. It is one of the best treatments available for dogs that provides 100% heartworm prevention guarantee, along with prevention of four other intestinal parasites including: hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms and whipworms. It even aids in preventing fleas from laying eggs, thus controlling flea infestations.

Fleas can lead to critical problems in dogs and cats. Some of the adverse reactions of fleas on pets include: continuous itching and scratching, hair loss, scabs, skin damage and skin infection. It is also known as Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD).

Some facts about fleas

Fleas can not only affect pets, but also human beings.
Fleas can transmit tapeworms to pets and people.
They play a significant role in spreading cat-scratch fever disease between cats and humans.
Fleas can suck lots of blood from the pets that it can result in weakening and even life-grievous anemia.
Fleas can be seen nearly anywhere in the year. But they are less prevalent in colder months.

Prevention of fleas

Advantage is one of the best flea preventive treatment available in the market. It is completely waterproof monthly treatment which enables dogs from going into the water without the effect of the treatment to wear out. It aids in preventing flea allergy dermatitis (FAD). Flea bites are prevented within 5 minutes of administration of the treatment. It also kills 100% chewing lice within a week of administration and is effective for a full month. It kills adult fleas within half a day of administration and 99% flea larvae within 20 minutes of administration.

The combination of Advantage and Sentinel Spectrum is the easiest way to safeguard your pets from these pesky parasites.

What Pet Vaccinations Are Needed?

Just as people need to have frequent vaccinations, it is important that you do the same for your furry, four legged friends. However, unlike with human vaccinations, where the types of shots needed are fairly standard, for pets the types or frequency can vary from species to species as dogs, cats, horses, etc. each have different needs. Yet. it is to be noted that there are mutated versions of some disease that while they may be primarily a dog issue, may affect a feline – and vice versa.

Common Vaccinations for Dogs

As mentioned, the vaccine action needed depends on the pet species. For canines, the primary shots you need to be concerned about include: canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis and rabies are considered core vaccines. Non-core vaccines are given depending on the dog’s exposure risk. These include vaccines against Bordetella bronchiseptica, Borrelia burgdorferi and Leptospira bacteria.

Common Vaccinations for Cats

Your feline friends has other needs. Talk to your vet about scheduling these pet vaccinations: panleukopenia (feline distemper), feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus type I (rhinotracheitis) and rabies are considered core vaccines. Non-core vaccines are given depending on the cat’s lifestyle; these include vaccines for feline leukemia virus, Bordetella, Chlamydophila felis and feline immunodeficiency virus.

It should be noted that while these are all the commonly suggested pet vaccinations, that not every pet will be on the same schedule. For instance, if a puppy’s mother was healthy and then nursed the puppies, then some of the shots can be delayed. For cats who are nursed by a healthy mother whose immune system is strong, it is typically not necessary to begin vaccinations until your kitten is as much as 8 weeks old. Once your kitten or puppy reaches adulthood, it generally not necessary to vaccinate your pet but once every 3 years.

However, do be sure to talk to you veterinarian as there are some diseases that may be more common in your region, and thus require you to have your pet inoculated for some diseases more frequently then mentioned here. Also, as with human immunizations, there are often side effects that will need to watch for. Be sure to ask your vet of any specific indicators that your pet has had a reaction.

Having your pet vaccinated is a way you can be proactive in keeping your pet healthy and protecting them fro any potential sickness they may be exposed to. If you are unsure about what type of shots are needed for your pet, then be sure to talk to your veterinarian. They will be happy to help determine what approach to take.

10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Pet

Thinking of having a puppy that wags its tails and runs to you joyfully at your every beck and call? Or, thinking of having that cute little ball of fur called a kitten running about playfully in your house? Thinking about going to the nearby pet store to buy one? Stop your pet search then and there, and think, “Why should I spend my money on buying a pet when I have the option of adopting one?”

Makes sense, right?

Well, as you will see, besides saving your bucks, adopting a pet comes with tons of other advantages.

  1. As mentioned above, pets for adoption generally cost less than the ones available for sale in pet shops.
  2. A pet available for adoption may have already been trained to respond to basic commands like come, sit, go, etc., and hence it reduces the trouble of training them from scratch.
  3. Pets available for sale in pet shops are reared for the purpose of selling, keeping profit in mind rather than the health of the pets and are therefore, often sick and behaviorally troubled. Pets for adoption are not reared for commercial purposes. They are available for adoption because their previous owners had to give them up due to certain unfortunate reasons for which the animals are not responsible. Since, before being available for adoption, they had an owner who took care of them, they are generally healthy and well behaved.
  4. Pets for adoption come in every size, age, breed, and color and thus you get a wider variety to choose from.
  5. Most pet shop owners keep the animals in horrible conditions and the elderly female animals are treated as breeding machines. They have no genuine concern for these animals. Without purchasing from them, you can feel self righteous as you have not given them a dime.
  6. Most of the older animals available as pets for adoption have already been vaccinated. So you don’t have to bear the additional task of getting them vaccinated.
  7. By adopting a pet, not only are you giving it a home, but also you are helping provide shelter to another homeless animal which will be taken in, in place of the animal you have adopted.
  8. Having an animal as a pet has been found to be psychologically and emotionally beneficial to their companions. Not only this. The feeling that you have saved an animal by adopting it also gives you self-satisfaction and makes you feel proud of yourself.
  9. When you adopt a pet from a pet shelter, they inform you in advance about the “do’s and don’ts” so that you become well aware of what your pet loves and what provokes it.
  10. Last of all, you can brag in your social circles about having adopted a pet!

Now that you are convinced about the benefits of adopting a pet, make a pet search on the internet and find out the nearest pet shelter from which you can adopt your pet.

Pets are a blessing to humans. They act as great companions and great friends. So give them the love and care that they deserve.

Dog Flu Symptoms And Treatment

This a short information about dog flu symptoms and treatment.

Canine Influenza, otherwise called canine flu, was initially seen in the USA in 2004 in racing greyhounds in Florida. The CIV H3N8 strain has now spread to over 38 countries and generally happens in the canine population. Genetic analysis indicates that the virus is closely associated with equine flu, also as greyhounds and race horses frequently are around the very same racetracks, speculation is that canine flu evolved in the equine virus and jumped from horses to dogs.

In 2015, an epidemic of a new breed of dog flu appeared. This breed known as CIV H3N2 is of avian origin rather than linked to this earlier CIV H3N8 virus.

Dogs of any age may be affected, and since the viruses are comparatively new, there’s little to no natural immunity from the canine population. Virtually all dogs who are exposed to the virus become infected and almost 80% show clinical signs of disease. The virus is extremely contagious, but mercifully has a very low mortality rate. There’s no “season” for this, and it spreads year round. Dogs greatest in danger are those bundled together, the very young, the very old and also the immune-compromised. The disease doesn’t affect humans.

The virus spreads through respiratory secretions (e.g. Mucous and saliva) and infected objects and surfaces (e.g. Noodle surfaces, water, food bowls, collars and leashes). Folks also distribute it going between infected and uninfected dogs with no appropriate hygiene or precautions.

Indicators of canine flu follow along one of two paths, severe or mild, with the gentle kind being the most frequent. Symptoms are usually found within 2-3 days of disease. The gentle form contains: Soft, moist cough which lasted for 10-30 times, Dry cough, such as kennel cough, Loss of desire, Lethargy, Sneezing, Discharge from eyes, Runny nose, and Thick discharge from nose.

Treatment will be based on the symptoms that your dog is introduced. Antibiotics may be prescribed to combat any bacterial infections existing. Anti-inflammatories might be awarded for fever, swelling and pain. Fluid treatment is given to all those dogs that are very dehydrated. Other medicines may be prescribed based on the additional symptoms present. Hospitalization may be required in more severe cases. Fatalities have just been reported with the beginning of pneumonia, however, the speed is less than 10 percent of dogs that are affected.

Boosting the Dog Immune System

Boosting your pet’s immune system helps accelerate the recovery from dog flu, in addition to preventing further afield. It is the work of the immune system to secure your pet’s own body from cells infected by bacteria, a virus, fungus, or parasites. The immune system also filters out toxins and retains cells powerful enough to fight dog illness like the dog influenza. When the immune system is weak, micro-organisms comprising infections and toxins can pass via the immune cells that are immune.

The most effective methods to enhance the immune system include fundamental nutrition and nutritional supplements. A puppy who eats entire foods free of substances and additives and allergens like wheat, soy, and corn may have higher health than a puppy that has a bad diet. Your pet’s diet ought to be rich in organic ingredients which mimic what he’d consume in the wild and also the food needs to have a high moisture content.

1 approach to help your pet remain free of the flu would be to vaccinate him against it. Vaccines have now released vaccines against the two canine flu viruses. Flu vaccines aren’t a guarantee that your pet will not catch the illness, but when a vaccinated pet doesn’t go down with influenza, it’s typically not as severe as it is in puppies which are unvaccinated.

Could puppies catch flu from people?

Diseases that leap from animals to humans are known as zoonoses. However, there’s also the possibility of diseases like influenza, to maneuver out of people to animals. These are known as reverse zoonoses.

Reverse zoonoses is not very well known, and it is not very common.

We are aware that ferrets, and sometimes cats, can catch flu from individuals, but there’s less evidence of puppies doing this.

Can people catch flu from puppies?

In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is no evidence of transmission of canine flu from dogs to humans. There really have been no documented instances of an individual catching flu in their puppy.

Seven Money-Saving Tips for Affordable Pet Care

You want to keep your Fido happy and healthy as always. Isn’t it true? Right. But spending at arm’s length may be also not possible for you. And, you are always on the run to save few bucks wherever possible. As per the data collected from different sources, the estimated expenditure of every pet owner is around $1500 a year for each of their pet, and that too varies depending on the size of the pet. However, there are ways applying which you can easily save a little more on every necessity of your furry pal.

Go through these tips and see how much can you save on your pet as well as keep your Fido in good health.

Make Half-Yearly Or Yearly Vet Visits Compulsory

Normally, pet parents in order to save money most times miss vet visits. But when it comes to health whether it is you or your pet, it is crucial to have a health checkup at least once or twice a year. Your vet may give vaccination necessary for the prevention of certain diseases in your pet. They can also diagnose for any of the problematic health conditions in your pet. Therefore, a yearly visit can save huge bucks by keeping your pet in good health. Missing vet appointments may sometimes lead to a development of some chronic diseases, which could have been preventive in a case of regular vet visits.

Don’t Skip Preventive Treatments

Pet parents are least aware of the importance and benefits of the preventive treatments. Mostly they only prefer to treat their pets when they see that the furry pal has been infected with parasites in which flea and tick infestation is most common. Many times due to lack of preventive treatments like Heartworm Prevention and Flea and Tick Treatments, pets are badly affected and sometimes the situation even turns out to be worst. They suffer from health complications and when infected with diseases such as heartworm, they are even at the risk of losing their lives. Therefore, it is better to treat your pet with flea and tick treatments as well as heartworm preventives in order to protect your furry friends from preventive diseases.

Ensure Proper Dental Hygiene

Most health conditions are the result of poor dental care. Brushing your pet’s teeth regularly boost his overall health. In lack of dental hygiene, there is a build-up of tartar and plaque leading to periodontal diseases. Moreover, the bacteria in the gums travel through the blood to the various vital organs such as heart, lungs, liver and kidneys and badly infect them. This can even end up into emergencies. To avoid such critical situations, it is always in the favor of your pet and your budget to provide proper dental care.

Regular cleaning with Pet Dent Toothpaste and Toothbrush along with Pet dent oral rinse can help your pet dental health to be at optimum.

Look For Affordable Pet Supplies And Food/ Treats

People get swayed away by those big advertisements of pet supplies and pet food on those local pet stores, that pushes you to buy only certain brand of pet supplies or pet food and treats for your furry pal from them. In reality, you can get these high-quality pet supplies and top brand pet food and treats from online pet stores at cheaper rates. Normally, these neighborhood stores sell pet items at higher prices whereas same supplies you can purchase at affordable prices with big discount, and at some stores like Pet Care Supplies or Budget Pet World, you can even get Free Shipping for any of your pet products.

Be Watchful For Signs Of Something Wrong

Pets are a bundle of joy and happiness, and they are least vocal to tell you about their pain or what health difficulty they are undergoing. That’s why it is paramount to be always watchful to look for any suspicious signs that can direct you that there is something wrong with your furry pal. While grooming, move your hands all around your pet’s body to find about the existence of any lumps or warts. Part the fur and check for the presence of ticks. Look for flea dirt or flea eggs in your pet’s surroundings. Notice the movement of your pet, whether he is swift in his movement or taking a time to get up or jumping. Whether he is limping or reluctant to walk. This can direct you that whether he has got some injury in his leg or may be facing a problem of arthritis. At the notice of any unwanted signs on your pet’s body, consult your vet for further diagnosis or treatments. This greatly lowers the vet bills due to treatment of diseases in advance stages.

Keep Your Pet Moving

A healthy pet is always in a good shape and fit and fine. As to keep yourself in proper shape you exercise daily, it is also imperative to make your pet exercise. A regular exercise helps to keep your dog healthy and fit. Keeping your pet moving, not only keep his weight under control but also boost immunity, digestion, mood and behavior. A tired dog gets a good sleep and stays happy. This is a good way for you to keep your furry friend in great health.

Grooming your dog at home is also a great saving. Taking your pet to spa or grooming salons can be quite expensive, however shampooing, brushing fur, trimming hair and clipping nails at home save you few bucks.

Having a family of four dogs, I always look for cost effective pet supplies. Working on these steps, I have seen that I can save a little extra on pet products and provide the best care to my pets.

Animals in Distress: They Are Stilling Suffering

A few days ago a beautiful small female dog was brought to a precinct scared and shivering. A good Samaritan witnessed the dog being abused by youngsters in a park and brought her to the nearest precinct. They were kicking her and bullying her. It was heartbreaking to see the tears in the dog’s eyes as she sat there on the floor in the precinct in pain and bewilderment. We can only imagine what thoughts were going through her mind. Maybe she sat there wondering what has she done to those young individuals for them to abuse her like that. Because animals cannot verbally tell us their feelings we have to observe their behavior, facial expressions, and actions. Animals have feelings just like human beings; they feel pain, and know fear.

It is unfortunate, but every day there is a pet that is being abused by their owner. Or a pet has been abandoned by their owner, or they stray the streets until they passed away. Others have been fortunate, where they are rescued by animal centers and animal shelters, and nursed back to health and adopted by caring individuals. Some animals have been euthanized because they were in the shelters too long.

Just recently a man was charged with beating his girlfriend’s poodle to death. The autopsy divulged that the dog had nine broken ribs, a pulverized kidney, and immense internal bleeding.

It is a known fact that dogs have been breed for fighting. Some of those animals did not survive their torture. Pets have been beaten to the point where you would not believe it is the same animal you knew before their torment. Animals should not be subjected to such cruelty by the hands of human beings. Imagine being the other species; you are in a vulnerable situation but you cannot speak. And your only hope is that someone will observe the situation, and connect the pieces together. You know that until the abuser is exposed you will continue to suffer silently. I ask the question, is this really fair to the animals? I believe that individuals who partake in animal cruelty should understand the nature of the crime. One should know that it is punishable under the law. Although, the punishment may vary from state to state, the classifications of a misdemeanor and felony for crimes against animals remains the same. Both are subjected to a fine and or a prison sentence. The length of time depends on the severity of the crime.

Ironically, some researchers have linked a connection between cruelty to animals in childhood and early adolescence with adult violent criminal behavior. Many individuals have argued that the violence started from somewhere. However, trying to pin point exactly where their anger occurred would be difficult to ascertain without a psychological evaluation. Based on studies, and observations there are valid theories that there can be a reduction in animal cruelty by just getting to the root of the tortured souls of those individuals. Until then some animals will continue to remain in distress until someone successfully connections the pieces.

Tips To Organize Living With Multiple Pets

A family with a lot of furry members is really a heavenly abode with lots of enjoyment every day. However, with it comes – greater responsibilities, as the pet family requires lot of care and efforts to keep them all fit and fine, maintaining their overall well-being. Whether you have to take care of two kitties or a pack of four dogs or a whole farm, you need to take care of each vital thing ranging from food, preventive medications, and litter boxes to beds and toys.

Here are a few tips that fully aid you in organizing your day to day activities for taking care of multiple pets. Following the tips, you can definitely have time for yourself along with having a quality playtime with your furry pal.

Arrange for Multiple Beds

Having multiple pets in your home means a special place to provide all for a nap. Get beds for each and every pet in your home. Multiple bed will discourage pets from laying or bouncing on sofas.

Protect Furniture

It is crucial to cover your furniture. Tiny dog or cat hairs are more likely to get easily stick to the furniture. Cover them with fleece blankets and throws on tables, chairs and couches to keep pet hair to minimum. Additionally, when it comes to your car, it’s good to cover the seat in order to keep that mud away in case your dog must have brought it from the dog park.

Keep Food in Air-Sealed Containers

Different pets mean different requirements of various kinds of foods. To easily recognize the food, it is better to label the plastic bins for different food types. Ensure to store them in a pantry or in a kitchen counter shelf. Keep it away from damp place and check that it is not accessible to your furry pal or either to your children. Ensure that you keep the feeding place well organized and mess free. To avoid fights among your pets, maintain a feeding schedule.

Separate Feeding Locations

You are wrong if you are thinking that there is no need for separate feeding locations for your multiple pets. It is to avoid food hostility as dogs and cats are quite territorial so try to feed pets in different rooms. Some pets may go along well, but if it seems there is some tension, then it is better feed them at separate places. This helps to avoid unwanted accidents.

Keep A Folder for Pet Records

Don’t mess your pets’ medical records. Organize different pets’ health records including vet visits, adoption papers, vaccination cards, microchip registration, licenses and pet insurance policies in different folders for various pets. It would be quite helpful in case of any emergency.

Provide Litter Box for Each Cat

Cats are inclined too much towards cleanliness. They are too picky about clean litter boxes. Provide each of your cat a separate litter box, which they are sure to appreciate. If you want them all to use litter box, then it is better to provide them each a separate one.

Stock Up First Aid Kit

Always have your pet’s first aid kit in handy. With so many pets in the house, there can be accidents at some times. Providing them first aid will largely cut on the vet bills. The important things that your pet’s first aid box should include are Gauze of various sizes; scissors; first-aid tape; wound disinfectant; antibiotic ointment; eye wash solution; hydrogen peroxide; cotton balls or swabs; cortisone spray or cream; thermometer.

Parasitic Preventive Treatments

A home with multiple pets mean that there is a huge probability of spreading disease due to fleas, ticks or worms from one animal to another. Missing treatment of flea and tick infestation or heartworm preventive for a few of them is of no use as gradually they too will be infected by the infected animals, and the cycle of recurring infestation will continue. Treating all the pets in the household will deploy the occurrence of parasitic infestations.

Multiple pets mean taking various responsibilities and providing the best care. Always keep a stock of essential medications including preventive treatments along with proper food and nutritional supplements. This ensures a great health and happiness for your big family of humans and four-legged companions.

Cat Vs Dog – Which Is Right for You?

Choosing between a cat and a dog isn’t always a straightforward process. In short, cats are generally cheaper to own and easier to care for because of their independent nature, while dogs are more social creatures, but require a lot more money, attention and time. Here are a few things to consider before introducing a cat or a dog to your home:


Cats are a perfect choice for people in search of an independent pet or those with a busy lifestyle and limited indoor space. Most cats are able to entertain themselves and will be happy to be left alone to sleep. The ability to venture outside and explore by themselves means there is no need for walking. This is certain to benefit the pet owner that is less active. However, cats do enjoy being played with and like social interaction so shouldn’t simply be left to their own devices at all times. A certain degree of care is required for cats, especially long-haired breeds. Some need daily grooming to avoid issues with matted coats.

Cat owners do not need a lot of space inside the home. However, a safe garden or similar area is certain to be appreciated. A cat can stay content even if kept in the home provided it is given a clean litter box and fed an appropriate diet. Also, they are easier for a neighbor or friend to look after when you are away for a few days. Overall, cats can make the entertaining, relaxing, affectionate and loving pets.


Dogs are a practical choice for the active and energetic person or simply those that love to spend a lot of time outdoors. A dog needs regular walks, fresh air and stimulation. Any home with a safe and secure garden is certain to be ideal, although easy access to open spaces like local parks it just as well. Also, dogs are great when traveling and on days out. But, it is important to give appropriate training. This should include being comfortable when traveling in a vehicle if needed. Dogs are a solitary animal, so cannot be left alone all day like cats. They need a lot more attention, so this can impact those with the long and demanding jobs. A further time related issue is putting in the effort to provide proper training and grooming.

Also, individual differences in dog breeds must be considered. Dogs vary in relation to size, hairiness, temperament and shape, so careful consideration is needed to identify the perfect companion.

A Handy Checklist for Your Pet Sitter

If you are planning to go out of town for a weekend getaway or for a much longer vacation and are not able to take your pet along. The best thing is to ensure that during your absence your pet’s stay is enjoyable and easy as much as possible. You can do this by hiring a pet sitter. But before you get one it is better to prepare for a checklist for hiring, so that during your absence your furry pal has the best comfort available. Some of the things that need to be kept in mind include:

Vacation itinerary

This would include the time and date of your departure and expected arrival.

Contact information

Ensure that you give your cell phone number, hotel information and room number in case you need to be contacted by the person you have hired.

Contact numbers of your immediate family members

There may be a possibility that the pet sitter might not be able to contact you. In such a situation, they should have an emergency contact number of your immediate family members who can take responsible decisions in your absence.

Key & security alarm information

Ensure that you provide requisite information to the pet sitting professional about the security of the house during your absence.

Primary vet information

Include the name of the practice and veterinarian they can contact providing clinic address and phone number.

Emergency vet clinic information

If there is an emergency with your pet after the primary vet’s office hours, the pet sitter should have an emergency animal hospital’s information which can get the pet treated quickly thereby easing the tension.

Feeding & walking schedule

As a pet owner, you know the feeding and walking schedule of your furry companion. In your absence, this task needs to be done by the person you have hired. Hence, provide him with the requisite information so that he/she can maintain the schedule of the pet in the best possible way.

List of treatments and usage instructions

If your pet is undergoing any treatment specify the instructions, so that the treatment can be given on time. This ensures that your pet does not miss out on the dosage in your absence.

List of food & treats

Although you might have made an arrangement of pet food in your absence it is always better to tell the pet sitter where they can procure the pet food in your absence. If your flight gets delayed or due to unforeseen circumstances you are not able to reach home on time, he/she should know where to procure pet food for the furry pal.

List of pet care items

Give the detailed directions about where have you kept different pet care items like brush, food, cleaning pads, sweater (if it is cold outside) and leash.

Favorite toys

Inform about the favorite toys of the pet so that the pet’s mind can be diverted easily.

Dangers Along Walking Route

Always specify if there is any unfriendly pet around in the neighborhood or if a neighbor yells if your pet pees in the yard. By telling them these things you can ensure that the pet sitter knows how to handle the situation if there is a need.

Room and furniture limitations

Provide a list of rooms or furniture that your pet is not allowed in or on.


Always inform about the estimated date and time of visitors in the house like a house cleaner, lawn care company or pool person. This is particularly important so that your pet sitter does not think that your house has been broken into.

When your pet is well-cared off during your absence you will have a more enjoyable and carefree trip. The pet sitter will also have an easy time taking care of your pet. So, the next time you decide to go for a vacation without your pet do not forget to prepare a handy checklist for your pet sitter.

All About The Right Dosage of Supplements For Your Pets

Termed as man’s best friend, dogs have long been taken up as the member of the family who like anyone else needs all the attention and caring in the world. For those who have dogs as pets, the health of latter seems one of the most important things on the list. Animals have unique physiological structures, and therefore need specific food and nutrients to keep them in optimal health.

Science has advanced a lot when it comes to nutritional supplements for pets. But just providing expensive supplements is not enough. It is imperative to know the exact dosage, based on the diet, age and breed of the dog before providing them with pet supplements. Excess of anything is bad and the same applies to supplements that are given to dogs.

Here are some of the general supplements, and their right dosage:

Fish Oil: Loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids, this supplement can be considered as one of the most important ones for the dogs as it helps in building the immune system, the nervous system, the heart, and help stop inflammation, such as in arthritis and allergies. They also support brain development of puppies and fetuses. Omega 3 is found primarily in fish oil. Most fish oil gel caps have 300 mg EPA and DHA combined large dog formula has 890 mg EPA/DHA in 1.5 grams of oil.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E also has a number of benefits for the dogs and should be given in the right dosage in order to have its actual intended effect on the dogs. Healthy dogs, particularly those eating a fresh food diet, 1-2 IUs per pound of body weight daily (or an equivalent amount less often) is likely plenty. Healthy dogs eating kibble, especially small dogs, might benefit from slightly higher amounts.

For dogs with a variety of health problems, including kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, cataracts, allergies, skin problems, arthritis, and other diseases involving inflammation or the immune system, and for dogs receiving high doses of polyunsaturated oils (PUFAs) such as fish oil or vegetable oils, dosages up to 3-4 IUs per pound of body weight daily for large dogs, 3.5-4.5 IUs per pound of body weight for medium-sized dogs, and 5-7 IUs per pound of body weight for small dogs, may provide additional benefits.

Apart from these the dogs should be given probiotics and digestive enzymes regularly that have a wonderful effect on their health. It helps in giving them a healthy gut and provides a number of other benefits.